Speaking Goalz
I am as desperate to speak Japanese well as Chihiro is desperate to eat this onigiri. So what are the steps I should take for me to get there? Well, I am planning to: -Go to office hours at least once a week (twice a week would be optimal): this is so I can ask questions not only about pronunciation and intonation, but about reading, writing and checking up as well. I need to do this because I am unavailable to go to our weekly language table that provides valuable listening and speaking practice. -I'm gonna watch some anime! That shouldn't be too hard haha. But this time I'll focus on shadowing the characters I admire and want to sound like. -Finally, I'm gonna try to sleep well. It may seem like an indirect method to speaking well, but if you have a good nights rest, you can show up to Japanese class with open eyes and ears to get the best learning experience possible. I want to absorb as much knowledge as I can! Watch out guys, I'm gonna so flu...