
Showing posts from September, 2016

Speaking Goalz

I am as desperate to speak Japanese well as Chihiro is desperate to eat this onigiri. So what are the steps I should take for me to get there? Well, I am planning to:   -Go to office hours at least once a week (twice a week would be optimal): this is so I can ask  questions not only about pronunciation and intonation, but about reading, writing and checking up as well. I need to do this because I am unavailable to go to our weekly language table that provides valuable listening and speaking practice.   -I'm gonna watch some anime! That shouldn't be too hard haha. But this time I'll focus on shadowing the characters I admire and want to sound like.   -Finally, I'm gonna try to sleep well. It may seem like an indirect method to speaking well, but if you have a good nights rest, you can show up to Japanese class with open eyes and ears to get the best learning experience possible. I want to absorb as much knowledge as I can! Watch out guys, I'm gonna so flu...

hajimemashite! :)

みなさん、こんにちは! はじめまして。 わたしはにゅうじゃあじいのぷりんすとんだいがくのいちねんせいです!でも、かりフォるにあからきました。わたしのせんこうは。。。まだわかりません。 どうぞよろしく。 じゃ、また!

First Blog!

みなさん、こんにちは! (minasan, konnichiwa) :) I am a freshman in college, and I am so excited to be taking Japanese 101 in my first semester!  Ever since I was little, I've always loved characters like Hello Kitty and the animated movies made by Hayao Miyazaki such as Spirited Away or Howl's Moving Castle .  A few summers ago, I visited Japan only for a few days with my Chinese tutor. The landscapes and buildings were beautiful... and I surprised myself by buying so much stuff haha. The way people acted seemed different too, which made me more excited to learn Japanese because I want to learn more about Japan's cultures and traditions. Also, in the future, I am planning to attend the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, whether that may be as a spectator or as an athlete (I am a fencer).  As for things that I am nervous about, I think that learning the 3 different alphabets will be challenging, but hopefully with a lot of practice I'll get there. Ja mattane, Mai